Current Transportation Costs
Current Mode of Transport
Public Transport
Both Car and Public Transport
Miles Driven Per Year
Average UK annual mileage: 7,500 miles
Running Cost Per Mile (£)
Average UK running cost: £0.48 per mile (fuel and wear)
Annual Fixed Costs (£)
Insurance, maintenance, parking, etc. (Average: £1,200/year)
Annual Public Transport Costs (£)
Average UK public transport cost: £1,500/year
E-Bike Costs
E-Bike Purchase Cost (£)
Average e-bike cost: £2,000
Annual Maintenance Cost (£)
Average maintenance cost: £250/year (tires, brakes, service)
Battery Capacity (Ah)
Typical e-bike battery: 12Ah
Battery Voltage (V)
36V (Most Common)
48V (Higher Power)
Standard e-bike voltages: 36V or 48V
Electricity Cost (£/kWh)
Average UK electricity cost: £0.30/kWh
Battery Information
Battery capacity: 0.432 kWh per charge
Annual charging cost: £0
Total annual running costs: £100
Calculate Savings
Your Potential Savings
Monthly Savings
First Year Savings
Subsequent Years Savings
Current Annual Transportation Costs
E-Bike Annual Running Costs